16 Inspiring Female Photographers to Follow on Instagram

This International Women's Day, PhotoShelter released a really beautiful video featuring several female photographers and the women they photographed.

This video forced me to take a step back and reflect on my own journey as a creative. I continue to be inspired each and every day by the content that is shared by the female travel photographers I follow on social media. There are so many talented women, full of hustle and full of heart, producing compelling, original content - much too many to feature here! So, I've selected a few great accounts to give you an idea of what I'm talking about...

A post shared by Adrienne Pitts (@hellopoe) on

A post shared by Rachel Ewell (@rachel_six12) on

A post shared by Charissa Fay (@charissa_fay) on

A post shared by ALICE GAO (@alice_gao) on

Are there any female creatives who inspire you on social media? Let me know in a comment below.